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Нужны ответы на вопросы о визе?

Наши иммиграционные консультанты могут помочь.

Планируете работать, жить или учиться в Канаде?

В зависимости от вашей квалификации существует множество способов обеспечить получение визы при въезде в Канаду.  

В Канаде наблюдается серьезный дефицит рабочей силы из-за старения населения, и это считается кризисом. Этот сценарий привел к тому, что правительство каждой провинции разработало больше визовых программ, чем когда-либо прежде. В некоторых из этих провинций больше возможностей для получения визы для иммигрантов по сравнению с другими, и их программы зависят от критически важного рынка труда, в котором нуждается экономика Канады.

Image by Conor Samuel

Как мы можем помочь?

Суть нашего веб-сайта - помочь иммиграционным службам лучше понять иммиграцию. От экспресс-въезда до постоянного места жительства до преимуществ использования уполномоченного иммиграционного специалиста (а их много), цель этого раздела - вооружить вас знаниями, необходимыми для принятия решения, которое часто является пугающим и меняющим жизнь решением.

A Refugee’s Resettlement Journey to Canada

A Refugee’s Resettlement Journey to Canada

Resettling in Canada as a refugee can be full of anticipation, hope and challenges. It’s helpful to know what to expect and what services and support are available to you as a resettled refugee to help you get settled in Canada. Before you arrive, you can take Canadian Orientation Abroad training from the International Organization for Migration. This will help you learn more about Canada and how to prepare for travel. When you first arrive in Canada as a resettled refugee, an organization funded by the Government of Canada or your private sponsors will help to meet your most immediate needs. They will greet you at the airport, provide you with a temporary place to stay and help you find a permanent home. They will also help you open a bank account, get your kids registered for school, and learn how to get around your new community. As a refugee resettling to Canada, you can also get free settlement services to help you to adapt and succeed in your new community. These services are provided by organizations funded by the Government of Canada’s Settlement Program, and can help you: • create a personalized settlement plan based on your own needs and strengths, with referrals to groups or organizations that can help you • learn more about life in Canada • learn English or French • find a job, build your professional network and advance your career development • connect with other newcomers and Canadians in your community To find free settlement services near you, please visit: Find answers to your questions on social media: Facebook: Canadian Immigration and Citizenship Twitter: @CitImmCanada
Finding a Job is a Job

Finding a Job is a Job

*This video was produced prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some images may not depict current social distancing measures.* Looking for work as a newcomer to Canada can be challenging. Learn about the difference between regulated and unregulated jobs, and the documents you will need to begin your job search. Get information about how to prepare your resume, cover letter, and references for job applications and interviews. We’ll also explain how you can meet people who can help you get experience and find jobs, and where you can get free employment services. This video is part of the Welcome to Canada video series. Find more videos to help you settle into your new life in Canada on Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada's YouTube playlist, Immigrating and Settling in Canada: To learn more about settlement services you can get before you arrive in Canada, including how to prepare to find work and get your credentials recognized, visit: To find a service provider organization near you that offers employment and other settlement services, visit: For more information and resources about finding work in Canada, visit the Government of Canada Job Bank: To find a Service Canada office near you, visit: Find answers to your questions on social media: Facebook: Canadian Immigration and Citizenship Twitter : @CitImmCanada A transcript of this video is available at:
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